VitaBite - Melvin Farms Ltd, Nova Scotia - Canadian Farm Produce Manufacturing

Melvin Farms Limited is a diversified vegetable farm that was founded in 1893. Cauliflower, cabbage, green onions, spinach, and leeks are among the vegetables they grow. Richard, Stephen, and Allan Melvin, along with their families, own and operate the farm. They jointly manage approximately 600 acres of land for crop production. Melvin Farms is run by Richard and Stephen Melvin and is located in the Annapolis Valley near Canning. This fifth-generation family farm has over 600 acres of great agricultural land and employs 45 seasonal and full-time workers. All three main food retailers (Atlantic Superstores, Coop, and Sobeys), as well as several of the region’s largest farm markets, carry our products. The VitaBite logo is a registered trademark of our company.