Windswept Cider, Ontario - Manufactured in Canada

Windswept Cider is a micro cidery and fermentory in the heart of Georgian Bay apple country.

Over the past several years we’ve grafted several hundred European and heirloom cider apple and pear trees. We chose hardy semi standard stock, able to withstand our windswept landscape and root themselves in our rich but challenging soil structure.

We chose this region, partly because of its long history of apple production, dating back to original plantings on the Meaford tank range in the late 1800’s. In these days there were thousands of unique apple varieties, most have since been long forgotten and otherwise lost.

As we’ve gotten to know our local landscape, we’ve discovered an abundance of wild seedling trees, descendants of those long forgotten apple varieties. A few of which bear many of the characteristics we seek for cider – bitterness, tannin, complex aromas and flavours – naturally revealing the beauty of the Georgian Bay region.