Enter without any hesitation the fresh Nova Scotia oysters offered by Fortune Oysters. They are an unreserved indulgence that tastes great. So, let go of all happiness in each and …
Canadian manufacturers of seafood, fresh or frozen.
Kivalliq Arctic Foods
Kivalliq Arctic Foods processing plant is well-known throughout the North and creates a variety of high-quality meat and fish products. The facility receives supplies of muskox, caribou, and arctic char …
Dory Mates Seafood Shop
In the centre of the old town of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, there is a small family-run fish market called Dory Mates’ Seafood Shop. We take great satisfaction in providing top-notch, …
Deon Oyster Company Ltd
By Nolan D’Eon, the D’Eon Oyster Company was established in 1996. Nolan had spent his entire working life at sea and was always looking forward to returning to his family. …
Comeau Seafood
Beginning in 1946, Comeau’s Sea Foods was established. Bernardin Comeau worked tirelessly to lay the groundwork for Comeau’s Sea Foods by being tenacious and determined to make his mark in …
Clearwater Seafood
As a small, regional reseller of lobster in Nova Scotia, Clearwater Seafoods was established in 1976. After more than 40 years, Clearwater has expanded into one of North America’s largest …
Afishionado Fishmongers
Afishionado are a group of community-based fishermen and aquaculturists working to restoring low-impact fishing traditions to customers’ plates. We buy as much as possible from local sources and adhere to …
Atlantic Mariculture
Since 1974, Atlantic Mariculture has been gathering and packaging only the highest quality hand-picked dulse. We were one of the world’s first organically certified sea vegetable farmers in 1993. Atlantic …
Cascumpec Bay Oysters
Cascumpec Bay Oyster Company collaborates with federal and provincial agencies to guarantee that food safety standards are met and exceeded. You may rest assured that our oysters are handled carefully …
St. Jean’s
At St. Jean’s, we know fish on the West Coast. We’re happy to share wild seafood with folks who know what seafood should be, as one of Canada’s last remaining …